Barcode Value File |
This report is not actually a report. Rather, each barcode symbol's data is put into its own file, named and located as defined by the rules below.
Note: The file name structure is fixed, and cannot be changed (see Result window above). You can only specify the output location.
This is a simple file that contains the value from the barcode. It is especially useful for binary values, which are cumbersome to obtain through normal reports.
There is one file for each barcode on each page.
The barcodes are numbered from 1..N as they are found.
The order may be different on different pages of the document.
Do NOT assume that the first barcode is the top most, or left most barcode.
If the program attempts to write a file to the output and finds a pre existing file it can:
Copyright © 2009-2010 Inlite Research,
Inc. All rights reserved.
BarcodeDirector v1.0.24