BarcodeReaderCLI Output


BarcodeReaderCLI generates output data that are written to the specified output file or to the console. Console output can redirected to to a file or piped to another application.

Output creation rules

Output files

Console output

Output file content (XML, JSON, CSV, Text)

BIN output

Text format

Text format output is based on the macro expansion. By default output is initiated when new barcode is read.
To trigger processing on other events an event identifier must precede macro reference.
Available event identifiers are:

Event identifier Event Macros available for expansion
[onSesion] After session started

Environment variables macros
Command-line macros
Session macros

[onSource] Source processing is completed
all of the above +
Source macros

Image file processing is completed

all of the above +
File macros
[onPage] Page processing is completed
all of the above +
Page macros
[onBarcode] Barcode is read
all of the above +
Barcode macros
[onDrvLic] Barcode with driver license data is read
all of the above +
Driver license macros

Text outside of the macro reference is copied to the output as is.

Example 1 - Output each barcode text value on a separate line

Example 2 - Complete text output with events processing:

[onSession]{tab}SESSION:  application: {app.filename}{tab} {app.version}
{tab} date/time: {} {start.time}
[onSource]{tab|#x2}SOURCE:  type: {type}  path: {path}
{tab|#x2} files: {files}  bc.count: {bc.count}
[onFile]{tab|#x3}FILE path: {path}
{tab|#x3} pages: {pages}  format: {format}  size: {size}  bc.count: {bc.count}
[onPage]{tab|#x4}PAGE:path: {path}  page: {page}
{tab|#x4} width: {width}  height: {height}  bpp: {bpp}  hdpi: {hdpi}  vdpi: {vdpi}
{tab|#x4} compr: {compr}  bc.count: {bc.count}
[onBarcode]{tab|#x5}BARCODE:  type: {type}  length: {length}  
{tab|#x5} rectangle: {rectangle.left}:{}-{rectangle.right}:{rectangle.bottom}
{tab|#x5} rotation: {rotation}  path: {path}  page: {page}
{tab|#x5} skew: {skew}  mode: {mod}  encoding: {encoding}
{tab|#x5} text: {text}
{tab|#x5} data: {data}
[onDrvLic]{tab|#x6} DRIVER LICENSE:
{tab|#x6} NAME: {last}   {middle}   {first}
{tab|#x6} DATA: {dob}  EYES: {eyes} HAIR: {hair}  SEX: {sex} HEIGHT: {height} WEIGHT: {weight} 
{tab|#x6} ADDRESS: {street}  {city}  {state}  {postal}
{tab|#x6} LICENSE: {id}  ISSUED: {issued}  EXPIRES: {expires}