Targeted Barcode Reader (TBR) |
Targeted Barcode Reader (TBR) is a set of barcode reading
algorithms, each designed to achieve the best speed
and/or the best recognition rate for a specific set
of images.
While the ClearImage algorithms are optimized for the universal population of images, a TBR algorithm can obtain better results for a particular customer
image set. Run the TBR Wizard to identify one or more TBR algorithm
that are optimal for such images.
Each TBR algorithm is represented by a 3 digit TBR
code, except that the default ClearImage algorithm is identified by TBR code
0 (zero).
A list of valid codes is obtained by running the TBR Wizard.
The -tbr option specifies a list of TBR
codes which will be applied sequentially
to each source page.
Setting -tbr= (to an empty string) is
equivalent of -tbr=0
If the number of expected barcodes on a page, set in the -max-bc option, is read after applying a particular TBR code from the the list, the rest of TBR codes are ignored for that page.
The TBR Wizard, activated by setting tbr-wizard mode on a command line, identifies the optimum set of TBR Codes for reading given set of image files.
Configure the barcode reading parameters
Set the -type option for a particular TBR Wizard session. This option sets the types that comprise one group of barcode types. The groups are:
code39 code128 codabar ucc128 code93 upca ean8 upce ean13 i25
imb bpo aust sing 4state
Optionally set the -dir and -max-bc options
To analyze a limited list of TBR codes set the -tbr option, otherwise all valid TBR codes for the selected group will be evaluated.
The TBR Wizard uses the last values of the above options.
Configure image sources for TBR wizard analysis.
Specify one or more sources. Sources should contain a representative set of images for your particular production requirement
Optionally set Multi-page format, Folder processing and PDF page opening options
An example of TBR Wizard invocation is: tbr-wizard -type=pdf417 c:\some_folder
A list of evaluated and valid TBR codes, specific to barcode types groups.
Statistical data showing number of barcodes and reading time for best performing TBR codes.
Alternative TBR codes to the preferred TBR code, which read the same number of barcodes, but somewhat slower.
Recommendations for setting the -tbr option to use the best performing TBR code
TBR Wizard results are based on the real time measurements. Actual timing varies between TBR Wizard session, therefore, the preferred and alternative codes might switch places between sessions.
Inlite's continuous development of algorithm improvements might change TBR Wizard recommendations between BarcodeReaderCLI versions.
An example of TBR Wizard results is shown here.
The following considerations affect the utilization of the TBR Wizard recommendations and technology to read barcodes in the reader mode.
TBR technology employs sophisticated image processing algorithms, which consume more CPU cycles than the default ClearImage algorithms. Consequently, recognition of marginal, poor quality images may require overall more time in order to read a few more barcodes.
The analysis of the TBR Wizard provides statistical data, which enables the user to balance speed vs recognition rate.
If multiple barcode type groups are used, combine the recommendations of the TBR Wizard for each of the groups.
Each group is processed separately, thus adding time to the total reading time.
Actual recognition speed in production reader mode can be faster than the TBR Wizard measurements, because:
The reader mode runs in multi-threaded mode, taking advantage of number of CPUs, whereas the TBR Wizard runs in single-threaded mode, in order to accurately measure the performance of each TBR code, free of operating system interactions.
Setting the -max-bc option might limit number of TBR codes applied to a page.