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CiTools Class Methods
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Inlite.ClearImage Namespace : CiTools Class

For a list of all members of this type, see CiTools members.

Public Methods

public MethodAndImageLogical AND with another image  
public MethodCountPixelsCount image pixels  
public MethodExtractObjectExtract an object into new image  
public MethodFattenFatten image  
public MethodFirstLineFind first line  
public MethodFirstObjectFind first object  
public MethodMeasureHorzHistogramMeasure horizontal histogram  
public MethodMeasureMarginsMeasure image margins  
public MethodMeasureRotationMeasure image rotation  
public MethodMeasureSkewMeasure image skew  
public MethodMeasureVertHistogramMeasure vertical histogram  
public MethodNextLineFind another line  
public MethodNextObjectFind another object  
public MethodOrImageLogical OR with another image  
public MethodOutlineTrim image  
public MethodPasteImagePaste another image  
public MethodScaleImageScale image  
public MethodSkeletonTrim image  
public MethodSkewSkew image  
public MethodTrimTrim image  
public MethodXorImageLogical XOR with another image  

See Also

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