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CcMicrInfo Object Members
See Also  Overview 

Public Properties

Public Property BottomBottom position in pixels of MICR line element
Public Property ConfConfidence level of MICR element expressed in %
Public Property IsAbaCompliantTrue if format of MICR line element is compliant with X9.13
Public Property IsReadValue of MICR element is read
Public Property LeftLeft position in pixels of MICR line element
Public Property NamePrintable name of MICR line element
Public Property RightRight position in pixels of MICR line element
Public Property SkewSkew angle of MICR line element in degrees
Public Property TextANSIFormat text for entry in X9.37 records.  Spaces are removed.  Fields are padded to fixed length per X9.37

Special characters are represented by the following symbols
 #         ROUTING character (only for Info property, none for others)
 $         AMOUNT character  (only for Info property, none for others)
 -          DASH character
 /          ON-US characters
 space   SPACE
 *          UNKNOWN
Public Property TextPackedFormat text as read on MICR line.   Spaces are removed. No padding.

Special characters are represented by the following symbols
 T    ROUTING character
 A    AMOUNT character
 D    DASH character
 U    ON-US characters
 _    SPACE
Public Property TextRawFormat text as read on MICR line.   No padding.

Special characters are represented by the following symbols
 T    ROUTING character
 A    AMOUNT character
 D    DASH character
 U    ON-US characters
 _    SPACE
Public Property TopTop position in pixels of MICR line element

See Also