Read one or more MICR lines on the bottom portion of an image.
Visual Basic |
Public Function FindMICR() As Integer
Return Type
Number of MICR lines found.
In VB project Add Reference to ClearCheck21 MICR Reader
Visual Basic | Copy Code |
Private Function ReadOneMicr(file As String, page As Integer) As String
Dim out As String
Dim reader As New CcMicrReader
reader.Image.Open file, 1
If (reader.MicrCount > 0) Then
Dim micr As CcMicr: Set micr = reader.MicrLine(1)
out = out + "MICR Type: " + micr.DocumentType + vbCrLf
If (micr.Routing.IsRead) Then out = out + "Routing = " & micr.Routing.TextANSI + vbCrLf
If (micr.AuxOnUs.IsRead) Then out = out + "AuxOnUs = " & micr.AuxOnUs.TextANSI + vbCrLf
If (micr.OnUs.IsRead) Then out = out + "OnUs = " & micr.OnUs.TextANSI + vbCrLf
If (micr.Amount.IsRead) Then out = out + "Amount = " & micr.Amount.TextANSI + vbCrLf
If (micr.Account.IsRead) Then out = out + "Account = " & micr.Account.TextANSI + vbCrLf
If (micr.CheckNumber.IsRead) Then out = out + "CheckNumber = " & micr.CheckNumber.TextANSI + vbCrLf
out = "No MICR found"
End If
ReadOneMicr = out
End Function |
In C# project Add Reference -> COM Tab -> ClearCheck21 MICR Reader
C# | Copy Code |
static System.Threading.Mutex mut = new System.Threading.Mutex(); // Prevents reentrancy public static string ReadOneMICR (string file, int page) { try { string sout = ""; mut.WaitOne(); // Prevent reentrancy ClearMicr.CcMicrReader reader = new ClearMicr.CcMicrReader(); reader.Image.Open(file, page); // Do actual reading reader.FindMICR(); // Display results if (reader.MicrCount > 0) { ClearMicr.CcMicr Micr = reader.get_MicrLine(1); sout = sout + "MICR Type: " + Micr.DocumentType + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.Routing.IsRead) sout = sout + "Routing = " + Micr.Routing.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.AuxOnUs.IsRead) sout = sout + "AuxOnUs = " + Micr.AuxOnUs.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.OnUs.IsRead) sout = sout + "OnUs = " + Micr.OnUs.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.Amount.IsRead) sout = sout + "Amount = " + Micr.Amount.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.Account.IsRead) sout = sout + "Account = " + Micr.Account.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; if (Micr.CheckNumber.IsRead) sout = sout + "CheckNumber = " + Micr.CheckNumber.TextANSI + Environment.NewLine; } else sout = "No MICR found"; return sout; } catch (Exception ex) { return ("ERROR: " + ex.ToString()); } finally { mut.ReleaseMutex(); System.GC.Collect(); } } |
In Delphi project Import Type Library for ClearCheck21 MICR Reader. Click Create Unit
Delphi | Copy Code |
uses ClearMicr_TLB; var reader: TccMicrReader; procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin inherited; reader := TccMicrReader.Create(self); end; procedure TfmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); Begin inherited; reader.Free; end; procedure FindMicr(Const FileName: String, var Route,Checksum,OnUs,AuxOnUs,EPC,Amount,Account: String); var Cnt: Integer; Micr: ccMicr; Begin Route := ''; CheckSum := ''; OnUs := ''; AuxOnUs := ''; EPC := ''; Amount := ''; Account := ''; reader.Image.Open(FileName,1); Cnt := reader.FindMICR; If Cnt > 0 Then Begin Micr := reader.MicrLine[1]; If Micr.Routing.IsRead Then Route := Micr.Routing.TextANSI; If Micr.RoutingChecksum.IsRead Then CheckSum := Micr.RoutingChecksum.TextANSI; If Micr.OnUs.IsRead Then OnUs := Micr.OnUs.TextANSI; If Micr.AuxOnUs.IsRead Then AuxOnUs := Micr.AuxOnUs.TextANSI; If Micr.EPC.IsRead Then EPC := Micr.EPC.TextANSI; If Micr.Amount.IsRead Then Amount := Micr.Amount.TextANSI; If Micr.Account.IsRead Then Account := Micr.Account.TextANSI; end; End;
C++ | Copy Code |
############### In header file #include <atlbase.h> extern CComModule _Module; #import "progid:ClearImage.ClearImage" no_namespace named_guids #import "msvbvm60.dll" rename("RGB","VBRGB") rename("EOF","VBEOF") rename("GetObject","VBGetObject") using namespace VBA; #import "progid:ClearMicr.CcMicrReader" no_namespace named_guids ############### In source file bool ReadOneMicr (char *fileName) { try { _CcMicrReaderPtr Reader; HRESULT hr = Reader.CreateInstance(__uuidof(CcMicrReader)); Reader->Image->Open(_bstr_t(fileName), 1); int cnt = Reader->FindMICR(); if (cnt > 0) { _CcMicrPtr micr = Reader->MicrLine[1]; printf ("MICR Document Type %s\n", (LPCTSTR)(micr->DocumentType)); printf ("MICR: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->Info->TextRaw)); if (micr->AuxOnUs->IsRead) printf ("AuxOnUs: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->AuxOnUs->TextANSI)); if (micr->EPC->IsRead) printf ("EPC: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->EPC->TextANSI)); if (micr->Routing->IsRead) printf ("Routing: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->Routing->TextANSI)); if (micr->RoutingChecksum->IsRead) printf ("RoutingChecksum: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->RoutingChecksum->TextANSI)); if (micr->OnUs->IsRead) printf ("OnUs: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->OnUs->TextANSI)); if (micr->Amount->IsRead) printf ("Amount: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->Amount->TextANSI)); if (micr->Account->IsRead) printf ("Account: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->Account->TextANSI)); if (micr->CheckNumber->IsRead) printf ("CheckNumber: %s\n", (LPCTSTR) (micr->CheckNumber->TextANSI)); } return true; } catch (_com_error &ex) { printf ("Error: Code: %08lx Description: %s" , ex.Error(), (LPCSTR)ex.Description()); return false; } } |
See Also