Account | Account sub-field information |
Amount | Amount field information |
AuxOnUs | Auxilary OnUs field information |
CheckNumber | Check Number sub-field information |
Document | Document property is initialized by ExtractCheck method to describe geometrical position of extracted chack document on the original image. Only the following properties are set: Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Skew, Conf. Conf property values identify rotation of a check document within original image as following: 1 - No rotation 2 - Check rotated upside down 3 - Check rotated left 4 - Check rotated right |
DocumentType | Document Type Name (IRD, Busienss Check, Personal Check etc.) |
Dpi | DPI based on MICR character size |
DpiRaw | DPI based on MICR characters size (unadjusted) |
EPC | EPC field information |
Info | MICR line information |
OnUs | OnUs field information |
Routing | Routing field information |
RoutingChecksum | Routing Checksum field information |