The ClearImage SDK includes several complete sample projects in C++, C#, VB, Java and VB6.
The Development Tab of ICC organizes the projects and their files to make use of the samples easier
On development samples include two type of project projects
Installed projects are created during the of installation of the ClearImage SDK.
They are located under the "Program Files\Inlite\ClearImage SDK.8_0_NNNN\Samples" directory
Working projects are working copies of Installed projects OR other Working projects.
They are located in working folders under the "My Documents\ClearImage Projects" directory
NOTE: There are no Working projects after the initial installation of ClearImage SDK
It is recommended you use only the Working projects for development because you will be able to experiment with the ClearImage functionality without damaging the integrity of the original installation.
The Development Tab presents a 3-level Tree View that lists the available projects:
If the project file type has proper association (e.g. C# projects with Visual Studio) then application will start automatically. Otherwise click the Browse to project folder button. Right click on the project file (e.g. *.sln for C# project) and select an application in the Open with... list.