BarcodeReaderCL.exe - Command Line Barcode Reader 1. Overview BarcodeReaderCL is a front-end client of Inlite's Web API Barcode Reader (WABR) Server. WABR is described here: More technical information is at: In a typical production environment: - Install and licenses WABR Server on a Windows Server. For evaluation use Inlite's WABR Test Server: - Run BarcodeReaderCL on any Windows system to read barcodes from local/network/web image files. Available barcode types and image file formats are list on Features tab of 2. Command line options The command line invocation of BarcodeReaderCL is: BarcodeReaderCL.exe images options [@responsefile] Where - images: one or more image filename or URL. For example: "c:\folder name\file name.pdf" NOTES: - If file path contains spaces it should be enclosed in double quotes - At least one value has to be specified (unless /help option is used) - options: one of the following options. /server= WABR Server URL. Example: (short form /s) REQUIRED /auth= Authorization code (short form /a) (Zero or one value) /types= Barcode types. Default: 1d,2d (short form /t) /format= Output format [json, xml] Default: json (short form /f) /template= Custom output format for each barcode (short form /tmpl) /tbr= Target Barcode Reader code(s) /fields= Barcode information elements /options= Barcode reading options (short form /o) /fout= Output filename. Default: none (output to console) (Zero or one value) /ferr= Error messages filename. Default: none (output to console) (Zero or one value) /help Display help Default value:'-' (short form /?) /timeout= Request timeout in seconds. Default: 100 /pause Pause after execution (short form /p) /verbose Display diagnostic information (short form /v) NOTES: - Option format is [/|-|#]option_name[=option_value] Prefix # disables option If 'option_value' contains spaces it should be enclosed in double quotes: "option value" - /server option is required, all other parameters are optional - Valid values of /type /format /tbr /fields /options are documented at: - responsefile. Zero or more files containing options and/or images value. See 'Response File' section. 3. Response File Response file contains set of options values and/or images as an alternative (or as an addition) to specifying them on a command line. If '@responsefile' is not specified, BarcodeReaderCL.ini is used (if present in the same folder as BarcodeReaderCL.exe) BarcodeReaderCL.sample.ini is an example of the response file. Response file format: - '#' - comment indicator. Portion of any line starting with '#' is ignored, except if '#' is inside of double quotes string. - options. Options are specified with out a prefix e.g. server= - images. Image filenames or URLs are specified with '<' prefix If filename contains spaces or Non-ASCII characters it should be enclosed in double quotes e.g. <"c:\folder name\file name.pdf" 4. Output BarcodeReaderCL generates: a. Barcode Reading results are sent to console unless /fout=filename is specified Non-ASCII (UTF8) characters are not correctly displayed on DOS console. Such out put should be sent to Output file b. Error message are send to console unless /ferr=filename is specified c. Diagnostics sent to console if /verbose is specified d. Help information sent to console if /help is specified 5. Barcode Reading results formats If /template is not specified, then output is XML or JSON as specified by /format (default is JSON) Specific data are controlled by /fields and /options If /template is specified, then data for each barcode specified according to 'template' value. Template format: - To output specific barcode property %fieldname format, where field_name is one of the valid /fields option values - Conditionally output only if field value is not empty string: ?fieldname...?fieldname - Special characters: %eol - End-of-line (same as Carriage return + New Line) %nl - New line %cr - Carriage return %tab - Tab 6. Exit code If no error is detected, BarcodeReaderCL returns with exit code zero (0). Otherwise exit code is non-zero. See generated error messages. 7. Package files - BarcodeReaderCL.exe Command Line Barcode Reader application - BarcodeReaderCL.sample.ini Sample response file - ReadMe_BarcodeReaderCL.txt This help file - Test image file