This window provides instructions and access to various Source Code Examples. To access this panel:
Click Code Examples in Developer menu.
Select language and project type from available lists.
Once panel is displayed, follow instructions specific to selected project
Copy instructions to clipboard with button.
Copy the last created barcode Configuration
String with button.
The instructions provide general guidance. However, hands-on interaction with the code is the best way to achieve results. The working directory is your "scratch pad" to experiment with Barcodes for Documents. Once you achieved desired results copy the code into your production project.
To work with sample projects:
Specify working directory, or use the default MyDocuments\BFD_Projects
Click Copy Project to Working Directory from Project menu
Click Open Working Directory from Project menu
Start the appropriate development tool for your specific project
At any time you can Delete Working Directory from Project menu and start anew by copying Project to working directory.