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Open Method
See Also  Example
Default value is 1.


Create image from image file


Visual Basic
Public Sub Open( _
   ByVal FileName As String, _
   Optional ByVal PageNumber As Long = 1 _


Default value is 1.


This method generates an error if Image object is a zone.

This method reads the following image file formats:

  • Bitonal:   TIFF, PCX, BMP, PDF 
  • Color and Grayscale: TIFF, BMP, PDF, WMF, JPEG, Targa, PCX, and PICT.

Multipage TIFF and PDF image files are supported.  See EFileFormat for list of supported formats.
PDF read requires CiPdf license.

Additional formats might be supported.   Review current specification at or contact technical support


VB Example (Visual Basic)Copy Code
Public Sub T_ImageFile(ByRef Img As CiImage, sFileName)
  Dim ImgZone As CiImage
  Dim sMulti: sMulti = "c:\tMulti.tif"
  Dim sZone: sZone = "c:\tZone.tif"
  Dim sSingle: sSingle = "c:\tSingle.tif"
    ' Open test
  Img.Open sFileName
    T_ImageInfo Img

    ' Save multi-page TIFF
  DeleteFile sMulti
  Set ImgZone = Img.CreateZone(Img.Width / 3, Img.Height / 3, _
                                Img.Width * 2 / 3, Img.Height * 2 / 3)
  Img.Append sMulti
    T_ImageInfo Img
    T_ImageInfo Img
  ImgZone.Append sMulti
    T_ImageInfo Img
  Img.Append sMulti
  Img.Append sMulti
  ImgZone.Append sMulti
    T_ImageInfo Img
    ' Open page
  Img.Open sMulti, 3
    T_ImageInfo Img
    ' Save test. Save modified page to multi-page TIFF
    T_ImageInfo Img
    ' Save as Zone Test
  ImgZone.SaveAs sZone
    T_ImageInfo Img
    ' Save as Test
  Img.SaveAs sSingle
    T_ImageInfo Img
End Sub

Public Sub T_ImageInfo(ByRef Img As CiImage)
  Debug.Print "Image #" & Img.Handle & " File='" & Img.FileName & "'" & _
              " Width=" & Img.Width & " Height=" & Img.Height
  Debug.Print " HorzDpi=" & Img.HorzDpi & "dpi VertDpi=" & Img.VertDpi & "dpi" & _
              " Page=" & Img.PageNumber & " Page Count =" & Img.PageCount & _
              " Format:=" & Img.Format & _
              IIf(Img.IsModified, " MODIFIED", "")
End Sub

Process Multi-page file (Visual Basic)Copy Code
Public Sub T_MultiPageFile(ByRef Img As CiImage, sFileName As String)
  Dim nPage, nPageCount
  Img.Open sFileName
  nPageCount = Img.PageCount
    ' for each page
  For nPage = 1 To nPageCount
    Img.Open sFileName, nPage
        ' Process image page
        ' ==== Read barcodes
        ' Set BarcodePro.Image = Img
        ' BarcodePro.Find 0
        ' ' process barcodes
        ' ==== Repair image
        ' Set Repair.Image = Img
        ' Repair.AutoDeskew
        ' Img.Append sFileOut ' save
End Sub

See Also

CiImage Object  | Open  | Save  | SaveAs  | Append