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Image Formats

ClearImage COM reads and writes files in the most popular Bitonal, Color and Grayscale formats including TIFF, BMP, PDF, and JPEG.
TIFF and PDF multi-page image files are supported. See EFileFormat for list of supported formats. Some formats are supported only for reading.

Additional formats are added as the industry evolves. See the Common File Specifications under the Products page on the Inlite Web site or contact technical support at

Some formats employ lossy compression that will modify a saved image. In the case of JPEG, the compression ratio is controlled by JpegQuality parameter.

Not all formats support the entire range of CiImage.BitsPerPixel (BPP) values. On output, if such a mismatch occurs, the image is converted to the nearest supported BPP value prior to writing out the file. For example, a Bitonal image will be converted to Grayscale prior to being saved as a JPEG formatted file. The resulting image will show JPEG blocking effects, and will appear different than the original Bitonal image..

See Open, Save,  SaveAs, and Append methods for more information.